Scientific Activities
Participation at Conferences
Participation (Talk, Poster, Demo, Tracking Competition, ...)
- CVPR 2017, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
- VR 2017, Los Angeles, California, USA
- ISMAR 2016, Merida, Mexico
- CVPR 2016, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
- ISMAR 2014, Munich, Germany
- VISAPP 2014, Lisbon, Portugal
- ISMAR 2013, Adelaide, Australia
- ISMAR 2012, Atlanta, Georgia, USA
- ISMAR 2011, Basel, Switzerland
- TrakMark 2011, Basel, Switzerland
- CVPR 2011, Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA
- WARM 2011, Graz, Austria
- ISMAR 2010, Seoul, South Korea
- VRST 2008, Bordeaux, France
- EUROGRAPHICS 2008, Crete, Greece
- ISMAR 2007, Nara, Japan
Student Volunteer
- SIGGRAPH Asia 2009, Yokohama, Japan
- SIGGRAPH 2008, Los Angeles, California, USA
- EUROGRAPHICS 2007, Prague, Czech Republic
- SIGGRAPH 2007, San Diego, California, USA
Peer Review and Organization
Program Committee
- IEEE ISMAR 2015 (S&T)
- ACM MMSYS 2015 Special Session on Augmented Reality
- IEEE ISMAR 2014 Workshop on Tracking Methods & Applications
Technical Paper Review
- IEEE ISMAR (2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2007)
- IEEE VR (2014)
- IEEE Multimedia
- Elsevier Computers & Graphics
ISMAR Photos

ISMAR 2014: Thermal Touch: Thermography-Enabled Everywhere Touch Interfaces for Mobile Augmented Reality Applications, Munich, Germany

ISMAR 2014: Towards Mobile Augmented Reality for the Elderly, Munich, Germany

ISMAR 2013: An Outdoor Ground Truth Evaluation Dataset for Sensor-Aided Visual Handheld Camera Localization, Adelaide, Australia

ISMAR 2012: Representative Feature Descriptor Sets for Robust Handheld Camera Localization, Atlanta, Georgia, USA

ISMAR 2011: Tracking Competition, Basel, Switzerland

ISMAR 2011: Gravity-Aware Handheld Augmented Reality, Basel, Switzerland

TrakMark 2011: Benchmarking Inertial Sensor-Aided Localization and Tracking Methods, Basel, Switzerland

ISMAR 2010: Tracking Competition, Seoul, South Korea

ISMAR 2007: Laser-Pointer Tracking in Projector-Augmented Architectural Environments, Nara, Japan
Copyright © 2008—2021 Daniel Kurz. All rights reserved.